Participate in Training Activities
To participate in training activities:
Bijaya Khanal
Last Update 2 jaar geleden
In order to take part in training activities, enrollment in at least one training session is required.
If any lesson is mandatory you will be unable to proceed to the next lesson until the mandatory lesson is completed.

- Log in to the system "".
- Click on "Trainings" in the sidebar menu.
- Click on the "Watch" button of the training in which you are taking participate.

4. Click on Start Learning, and you will navigate to your training screen.
From this training screen, you can take participate in all lesson types, which are detailed below:

To View Lessons type "Document"

- Click on the lesson type "Document" as shown in the above pic.
- Read the document from top to bottom.
- Click on "Mark as Complete" to ensure you have completed the reading.
To View Lessons type "Video"

- Click on the lesson type "Video" as shown in the above pic.
- Play the video and watch until the end.
To Submit the Lesson type "Assignment"

- Click on the lesson type "Assignment" as shown in the above pic.
- Click on the "Start Assignment" button.

3. Input the answer to the displayed questions.
4. Click on the "Submit" button.
Upon submitting the assignment, it is necessary for your reviewer to review it.
The assignment will only be marked as completed once the reviewer has reviewed it.
To Start and Submit Exam

- Click on the lesson type "Exam" as shown in the above pic.
- Click on the "Start " button.

3. Choose the correct answer to all questions.
4. User "Next" & "Previous" buttons to navigate next and previous questions.
5. Provide answers to all questions and click on the "Submit" button.

6. Click on the "Submit" button.

7. Click on the "Close" button.
To Join Live Class

- Click on the lesson type "Live Class" as shown in the above pic.
- Click on the "Join Meeting" button.
The "Join Meeting" button appears during the live class.

3. Click on "Allow" and provide access to your camera & microphone.

4. Click on the "Join" button.
To Provide Feedback

- Click on the lesson type "Feedback" as shown in the above pic.
- Click on the "Give Feedback" button.

3. Provide your rating.
4. Click on the "Submit" button.