Question Pools & Questions

Bijaya Khanal

Last Update 2 years ago

Question Pool is a question bank where the user can store all the questions need while creating a lesson of type exam. All levels of users except trainees can create Question Pool. The question pool tab displays the list of question pools that are created by themselves or those members who are assigned as a trainer in the question pool. Users must create a question pool before creating an exam in their training.


Add a new question pool:

All types of users excluding trainees can create a question pool, however, another member can view the pool only after the pool creator add them as a trainer within the pool.  

Edit the question pool:

Using the edit feature, the pool creator and trainer of the question pool can edit the question pool.

Delete the question pool:

Using the delete feature, the pool creator and trainer of the question pool can delete the question pool.

Add a trainer to the question pool:

Using this feature, the pool creator can add another member as a trainer to the question pool.

Add questions to the question pool:

Using this feature, the pool creator and trainer of the question pool can add questions to the question pool.

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